A Gender Audit & Analysis of Kenya’s 2022 General Elections

This report provides gender perspectives to the general elections and makes recommendations to inform interventions aimed at bridging the glaring gender gap and supporting initiatives towards compliance with the CoK 2010. Critically important will be to focus on a cyclical approach to programming to ensure that women and especially those from marginalized & minority categories […]
Electoral Processes Preparedness in Kenya
Analysis of the Women Governors in Kenya
Women Performance in The August 2022 General Elections
Political participation is generally thought of as any activity under taken by people with the aim of shaping, affecting or involving the political sphere. While no one is barred from political participation and that politics is an even field for all who care to join regardless of gender, the structural basis for participation does not […]
Emerging Scenarios from The Two Thirds Gender Provision
This presentation highlights the current status covering the main thematic areas and critically examines the challenges experienced therein. These include lack of implementation of the 2/3 gender provisions, deficiencies of the electoral system, electoral process, management and administration and election technology. We then delve in the realities that confront the country in these areas and […]