Dr. Robert Wabwile Simiyu has 20 years professional experience in International Development, currently working with UNICEF Kenya in Social and Economic Policy. He previously worked with UN Women, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Department for International Development (DFID), PKF International, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) and Muema Kigotho and Associates.
His professional experience is mainly in Governance and Economic Reforms, with extensive work in Public Sector Management, Public Finance Management, Accountability, Devolution Decentralization and Local Governance, Research and Public Policy, Poverty and Inequality analysis, Donor Coordination and Multilateralism, Gender and Women Empowerment, Electoral Cycle Management, Peace and Cohesion building, Institutional Capacity Building, Community Development, Civil Society Capacity Building, Team Leadership, Proposals development and Resource mobilisation.
He sits on various boards: chair of board of Cloud Six Eleven Investment Limited-a real estate investment company; member board of the Watakatifu Wote Center of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong-that offers hotel and retreat services; member of board of Democracy Trust Fund that offers support to women in political sphere.
He Holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Project Management with specialisation in Economic Governance from USA; Master of Arts (Planning) from the University of Nairobi; Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Planning and Management) from Kenyatta University; Post Graduate Studies in GIS and Remote Sensing-from the University of Dare Salaam. He is married and has two daughters.
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